There is something about sitting in a tropical paradise that makes you appreciate the little moments in life. Our lives are so full of stress and conflict brought on by our own desire to overachieve. A wise person once said, "the more you make, the more your spend. The more you have, the more you want." At this moment I am sitting at a small wicker table by a crystal blue pool with some of my best friends sitting around me. A beautiful palm tree is standing behind me and reflecting on my iPad screen. This is definitely one of those moments where I have all I need.
How does this transfer back to daily life. What happens when the vacation has ended and we return to "the real world?" If there is one things I have learned on this exotic retreat, it's the real world is what you make of it. We plan a "big" vacation every year and this year it was to the Florida Keys. We started saving our pennies at the first of 2012 and gradually booked the trip. It's been long awaited and anticipated. As you venture out on these islands, witness the majestic landscape and absorb the breathtaking sunset over the ocean, there is no doubt this is a gift from God.

I have been troubled lately watching all the political pundits and anti-religious media slandering and trying to erase God from the upcoming Presidential election. I am not perfect by any means. I sin every day by making many mistakes. I indulge in a cocktail or two when I feel like it, and I dance in public if the beat hits me just right. This completely goes against the fire and brimstone teaching I was accustomed to as a youngster in the Church, but there is a happy medium between radical right and radical left, I am pretty sure the Bible referes to it as moderation. I just don't understand why more people can't love without judgment and praise without panic. The same God created us all and will judge each of us.
I have found a great deal of peace and serenity in this place. Yesterday we went kayaking around one of the outer islands and saw creatures I never dreamed existed. We walked along beaches and saw beautiful sailboats. We observed schools of dolphins swimming in sync. I told my friend Sherry Morgan the day before I left on this trip that I knew I would feel Bertie Mae's(my late grandmother) spirit at the beach and I surely have. It reminds me of her telling me the beach was her vision of Heaven. I know she is strolling along the beaches of Heaven waiting for me.

Life is full of burdens, these come naturally and are manifested based on how we respond to their circumstances. A long term illness, a stressful dead end job, a broken family or relationship, etc., can impare our ability to pursue happiness. Some of the perspective that I have gained is that God gives us so many opportunities to find happiniess and create joy. We don't deserve for things to be handed to us. We don't even deserve the promise of forgiveness and salvation, but He gave it to us out of love. The very least we can do is look at life as a new opportunity each day and grab hold of these little moments.
Later today I am going to tour Hemingway's house. He visited and eventually moved to Key West for inspiration for much of his literature. I am going to soak up this sun, enjoy the great friends God blessed me with and stay on this path to happiness and prosperity. What are you going to do today?
Love to you all.....
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