Over the last year I have enjoyed more than my share of victory. Our Heavenly Father has blessed me abundantly and I have faith that more blessings are chasing me right now. I know the Lord wants me to achieve great rewards. I believe He wants to take the talents He gave me and expand possibilities beyond even my own imagination. If you know anything about me at all, you know my imagination is quite vivid on it's own. Now imagine my future in God's hands....imagine your own future in His hands. There are endless amounts of blessings. Everything good and true comes from Him.
I am on a mission. I want to share the secret behind my success and my strong faith. I made a commitment to God about 14 months ago to improve my prayer life. I have always considered myself to be an excellent communicator. I mean, hand me a blank sheet of paper and I can churn out a creative short story, a fierce business memo, or even a sharp political commentary. Hand me a microphone and I will give you thirty minutes of uninterrupted persuasive speech. However, my communication with the Almighty was not where it needed to be. I wonder why I have neglected utilizing my communication skills with Him? I made a change, and for that He has rewarded me tremendously. I keep a journal next to my bed and in my desk at work. I make it a priority to write to Him daily. I have a journal dedicated to prayers for good health, and a journal dedicated for financial and business success. I realize that prayers don't have to be written down, in fact, God loves it when we just sit and talk to Him. I write my prayers down because I like to track my own progress and keep up with my spiritual thoughts. The point I want to get across to you is that writing it down assigns accountability. It gives a sense of personal responsibility to yourself and to God. Every page has a date and a time. I make every attempt not to miss a day because it is there in black and white. I am keeping up with my relationship and communication for many purposes. The changes in my life are evident. I have never been more successful, happier in my personal life, my friendships, or had more zeal for my faith. I believe changing my prayer life has shaped me into a stronger and more proud Christian.
Recently I had a discussion with my employees about our success and my personal growth over the past year. They noticed that I was always writing in journals in my office. I even bought a journal for my assistant. This morning I noticed one of my associates sitting at her desk, writing in a journal and smiling. It's a wonderful feeling to know she is looking to our Father for blessings and I know He will reward her just as He has me. I want all of my friends to do this. I want all of you to enjoy the blessings He has laid up for you. I am on a mission to get 100 friends to start a daily prayer journal. Even if your prayer life is in great condition right now, what could it hurt to add another prayer in written form? Imagine how you or your loved ones could enjoy going back and reading your thoughts and your pleas to God? At the very least, it could be a wonderful keepsake for a loved one. Please tell all your friends to read this entry on the blog and pass the link around Facebook. I want to see just how many prayer journals we can get filled up in the next few months. Imagine how this could increase the number of prayers going up to the Father. I know it improved my prayer life and for anyone else who is not completely satisfied with how things are going, this could be a great way to make a positive turn. We can't go wrong by praying more often.
Please let me know if you are on board with joining the journey to improving your prayer life. Post a comment on the blog or on my Facebook page. In this challenging world, let's stand out by showing our personal commitment to our Heavenly Father. Let's celebrate the abundance of blessings the Lord showers on us simply because we ask Him. "...in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6.
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